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李 阳

供稿:    责任编辑:李运国    时间:2019-12-27    阅读:



























1. Y. Li and M. Hong. “Parallel Laser Micro/Nano-Processing for Functional Device fabrication.” Laser & Photonics Reviews, accepted (2019).

2. Y. Li and M. Hong. "Diffractive Efficiency Optimization in Metasurface Design via Electromagnetic Coupling Compensation." Materials 12, 1005 (2019).

3. Y. Li, L. Chen, F. Kong, Z. Wang, X. Li, M. Dao, C. T. Lim, F. Li, X. Luo and M. Hong. "Functional Micro-Concrete 3D Hybrid Structures Fabricated by Two-Photon Polymerization." Opto-Electronic Engineering 44(4): 393-399 (2017).

4. Y. Li, Y Li, Lianwei Chen, and Minghui Hong. "Reflection tuning via destructive interference in metasurface." Opto-Electronic Engineering 44(3): 313-318 (2017).

5. Y. Li, X. Li, L. Chen, M.Pu, J. Jin, M. Hong, and X.Luo. "Orbital Angular Momentum Multiplexing and Demultiplexing by a Single Metasurface." Advanced Optical Materials, 5, 1600502 (2016).

6. Y. Li, X. Li, M.Pu, Z. Zhao, X. Ma, Y. Wang, and X.Luo. "Achromatic flat optical components via compensation between structure and material dispersions." Scientific reports 6, 19885 (2016).

7. Y. Li, Q. Huang, D. C. Wang, X. Li, M. H. Hong, and X. G. Luo. "Polarization-independent broadband terahertz chiral metamaterials on flexible substrate." Applied Physics A 115(1), 57-62 (2014).

8. G. Hui*, Y. Li*, L. Chen, J. Jin, M.Pu, X. Li, P.Gao, C. Wang, X.Luo and M. Hong. "Quasi-Talbot effect of orbital angular momentum beams for generation of optical vortex arrays by multiplexing metasurface design." Nanoscale 10, 666 (2018). (Co-first author)

9. L. Chen*, Y. Li*, and M. Hong. "Total Reflection Metasurface with Pure Modulated Signal." Advanced Optical Materials, 1801130 (2018). (Co-first author)